January 04, 2012

New Year, New Start, New Blog

So I haven't posted in quite a few weeks, nearly a month. I have spent much time contemplating life. Today is the two month rememberance date for Brielle and Maia. 2011 was full of heartbreak and pain. It was a year I felt like I would never make it through. With all the tears shed I felt like I would never pull myself out of my dispair. Just thinking of the year 2011 makes me want to cry. 2012 is here so I have decided to close the door to 2011 and open up a new door. 2012 is God's year and he is going to do mighty things this year. My babies area always remembered and their lives will always be celebrated. They are my children no matter where they reside.

Instead of blogging about mostly heartache I have chosen to start a new blog all about God's Glory. It was a hard decision to no longer blog here but it is the right decision. God didn't intend for me to live in permanent pain. I will miss this log and leave it as a memorial of where we have come from and how far we have grown. I named my new blog Basking in God's Glory because that is exactly what we intend to do. Our babies are spending eternity basking in His glory in heaven so we are choosing to bask in His glory here until our good God brings us home to be together.

Here is my new blog: Basking in God's Glory 

We hope to see you visiting our new blog. It is still a little rough and in major need of design time but it is our new start. :)

The Mr. and Mrs. aka Andrew and Katlyn

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